Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

History was made today. I know, everyone's been saying, "History was made November 4th!" I say, "Nu-uh. It was today." America finally, officially, has an African-American President. (I know, "he's bi-racial." That's why I said African-American, not black. Let us not forget his father was an African immigrant!) [Sidenote: I'm watching the Inaugural Ball as I type this, and Michelle looks incredible, btw!]

Watching the Inauguration coverage today, one couldn't help but notice the rainbow of faces surrounding President Obama. We're finally done looking at a sea of white, male faces in the seats of power. Our government FINALLY represents our country - and I, for one, am over the moon about it.

As I sat with my 6th-period class today, watching President Obama being sworn in to office, I know my kids were excited. I know they knew something significant was happening. I also know they have no clue exactly how significant it all truly is.

Of course I was swept up in the whole thing. I tried explaining to my kids that one day, they'll be telling their kids where they were when President Obama took office. "Pay attention and take it in." "You're watching history in the making." "It's one of those events you'll never forget." I'm not sure they bought it.

The whole of what happened today hit me during 8th-period. Today was the start of the 3rd quarter. We discussed fresh starts and clean slates. We talked about setting goals and working hard to reach them. We talked about learning from our mistakes and not repeating them. As I was giving my usual, "Each one of you can do and be anything you can dream up!" pep talk, it hit me. For the first time ever, those words are actually true.

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